
Showing posts from 2013

Remember the Gang of Six?

Yet Another Republican Uses a Racial Slur

Fox News, Explained

Another Republican Welfare Hog Hates Poor People

Are Tea Baggers Racist?

How Much Do We Spend on the Nonworking Poor? | Mother Jones

Why Rash Lumbaugh is an Idiot. Part LXVII

New Florida Commercial

Because Possession of Skittles is a Crime

Calbuzz Asks the Right Question

Darell Issa Is A Lying Partisan Weasel, Part XXII

The Republican Party Doesn't Want Black People to Vote


This Should Be Fun

Blast From the Past: Freepers on WMD

Breaking: Ben Shapiro Makes Shit Up!

This is Why Everyone Needs to Carry Guns

The Right, Deconstructed

A Compendium of Republican Threats
