
Showing posts from 2015

About that Second Amendment Stuff...

Concerned Citizen with Legal Gun Kills 7-Year-Old Girl

How Many School Shootings Have There Been Since Sandy Hook?

Food for Thought re: Homicide in America

Words of Wisdom from an Oath Keeper

Guns in the wild west: regulated, with no fears about ripping the Constitution | Fabius Maximus website

If you want to speak English, go back to England...

The Infamous Letter to Dr. Laura

An end to the perpetual welfare trap? - Winnipeg Free Press

Republicans are Disgusting, Part MMDXIV

Unauthorized immigrant population stable for half a decade | Pew Research Center

(Yawn) Another Global Heat Record Set.

Another White Christian Guy Shoots a Bunch of People

Off-grid ‘Rambo’ plotted to spark violence against Ferguson protesters by gluing gun to black man’s hand

Powerless in the Face of White Supremacy and a Gun

They Don't Shoot Drunken White Ladies, Do They?

Police Officers Share Tricks of the Trade Part 1