Yet Another Republican Uses a Racial Slur

So there's this guy in Maine, a Republican, who's running for local office. And he decided to say something about President Obama on his Facebook page. Again. This time, he said "Shoot the nigger." Sorry for those who are offended by words, but I'm not going to insert the asterisks that decency demands, because this man is anything but decent, and what he has to say is anything but decent.

This is what it has come to. We have a bi-racial man in the White House, and the Usual Suspects have gone nuts. But now they have the backing of the Republican News Network and it's OK to be openly and blatantly racist. Because, you know... Obama!

Obama is a Nazi. Obama is a Socialist. Obama is a Muslim. Obama is coming for your guns, is going to kill your grandmother, is going to take all your money and give it to his black friends.

Listen, I get that a very large percentage of the American population consists of idiots. Those are, in fact, the very people the Republican party depends on. That's sad, but it's life. It's the way the curve works. For every person smarter than average, there's a person who's dumber than average. But the primary difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans live to exploit the less intelligent, while the Democrats try to protect them from those who would exploit them.

But I digress. Back to that moron in Maine, the guy who thinks that the term "nigger" isn't a racial slur. Why is he mad at President Obama? Because he's worried that under the Affordable Healthcare Act, a.k.a. "Obamacare," his wife is going to lose her benefits. Never mind that this is exactly the opposite of what will happen Never mind that this is precisely the kind of thing that ACA.. excuse me, Obama care... was designed to prevent. The moron in Maine gets all of his information from the likes of Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck and WorldNetDaily, and he doesn't have the wherewithal to check things out for himself.

There was a time when the media of this country -- television media, primarily -- would enlighten the public about things like this. But those days are long gone, dead at the hands of the cable news networks and talk radio and the Internet, dead at the hands of endlessly recycled chain mail purporting to "prove" that the President is a secret Kenyan Socialist Muslim who intends to round people up and put them in FEMA camps.

No, there's nothing I can do about this. I can write about it in a blog that no one will read. I can patiently correct friends and family when they parrot something they've heard on the Republican News Network, but that just doesn't do any good. I can, I suppose, console myself with the thought that this is nothing new. It was "yellow journalism" that created the Spanish-American war, banned Cannabis, and defeated Upton Sinclair in his run for Governor of California. These things have always been with us and probably always will be and, ultimately, will be our undoing. Humans have existed for a mere blink of an eye in the lifespan of this planet, far less time than any of the dinosaurs, and will probably fade from the planet in short order, leaving naught but our crumbling structures.

And who will be to blame when this ultimately happens?

Obama, of course!

 Sabattus man says ‘shoot’ posting wasn’t a threat against Obama, defends using racial slur — Lewiston-Auburn — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine:

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