Another Republican Welfare Hog Hates Poor People

Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.) wants to make it harder for people who have fallen upon hard times to receive the meager assistance (SNAP) known as food stamps. Stephen Fincher, who has no qualms about collecting $3.5 million -- yes, million -- in welfare from the very same Department of Agriculture that also administers the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Sadly, welfare given to agri-business giants like Mr. Fincher, doesn't carry a negative connotation. Mr. Fincher pocketed $70,000 last year in farm subsidies, quite possibly for doing nothing at all. Seventy. Thousand. Dollars. And he wants to cut $20 billion from the food stamp program because... well, we don't really know, other than the normal Republican belief that government funds should only be directed to the pockets of those who are wealthy enough to lobby for them.

The average monthly SNAP benefit in Tennessee is $132. It would take 530 months -- 44 years -- for a food stamp recipient in Tennessee to collect $70,000 in benefits.

And again, Congressman Fincher got $70,000 in taxpayer money, a direct payment, for not growing cotton.

The wrong Republican to talk about food stamps - The Maddow Blog:

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