Police Officers Share Tricks of the Trade Part 2
Part 2 of the Palm Beach Police blog...
Thanks for making us all look like a bunch of thugs who would injure or ignore a fellow officer just out of spite.
Nice try Media Relations office
Yes! I was thinking the exact same thing! Speak to the executive staff... hahaha! Like Captain Easton tried to convince Bradshaw that they needed to piss test and fire Lt. Burrows after he was caught stealing the pain meds from the nightstand of a man dying of cancer. That worked out great for Easton, didn't it? Worked out even better for Lt. Johnson who was arrested for leaking it to the media after Bradshaw ordered it to be swept under the rug.
Yeah, let's go to this corrupt executive staff who lie, cover everything up and terminate and incarcerate deputies that don't meet their criminal-spree standards.
It wont be done out of spite. It will be done cause hes a rat fuck traiter. If the feds ever did investigate this we would be in serious trouble. like 1/3-1/2 the department would be fired or 10-15ed and then what! Is that what you want! You want that to hapen! I prey to god some one finds his identy and leaks it to the rest of us so we can give this goody 2 shoes some real green justice!
You mean we should talk to the executive level of Internal Affairs about things happening on the road? Who should we report it to? The guy who stands as the face of the department's morals and ethics? Like this guy on the left? Major Van Reeth, the guy who allowed himself and his underaged son be photographed with a naked prostitute who was snorting Cocaine at this golf outing and providing blowjobs to these guys in the clubhouse? Maybe the PBA treasurer in the photograph who is standing on the very right? that sounds like a brilliant idea. What could ever go wrong with that? I could just imaging a deputy reporting another deputy for getting a blowjob on the job. Want to know who is going to be fired? the D/S who reported it. Why? Because he's obviously a "rat" who will bring unwanted attention to the agency. They will make up some crime to charge him with and then the State Attorney will cut a plea deal that the charges will be dropped after 3 years and he won't lose his retirement as long as he signs an agreement not to "speak ill of the Sheriff, The Sheriff's Office or any members of the Sheriff's Office". Gee, has that ever really been done? Yup. Look at Dean Johnson's plea deal. They did that to him because he knows where ALL the bodies are buried.
Hmmmm, that is the question. It happens all the time though. And yes, some guys go to jail for it. Why? Don't know. The feeling of power, to look good in front of his co workers, stats, to get atta boys from the bosses. All reasons they do it. And let's face it, it's an accepted culture at our agency, and in police work in general.
Or, maybe, it's just some guy coming clean and not wanting it on his conscience anymore. Not a legitimate news operation? What, is this the brass trying to play it off as a conspiracy? They have 235 pages of articles that go back to September of 2013. That's a lot of articles to write just to make someone look bad. What will you say next? Maybe a PBSO hater got a job with them and is using his position as a reporter just to get even? Sorry, but I don't think anyone is going to buy it.
This post is a classic!
Geez... really? If a deputy is seriously going to "come clean" and either inform on the illegal actions of others or admit to his own misconduct, there are ways to do it. It starts with going to whichever higher law enforcement authority he thinks he can trust (last I checked, Bradshaw doesn't have much power over the FBI). It might also include going to any of a large selection of legitimate respected journalistic operations (all of whom would love to get their hands on that kind of scoop), not some web site full of content devoid of any journalistic integrity or legitimacy.
By the way, the number of articles on a web site is not exactly evidence of that web site's legitimacy. Anybody who thinks so is rather ignorant of how the Internet works...
Okay Bradshaw. Nice try. As far as the feds:
Rat f**k traitor is right! Someone needs 2 flush this asshole out and find out who he is. Sheriff Bradshaw, I hope U R going 2 do something about this! call it a criminal investigation and let's find this fink before he can do any more damage!
I am very sorry to say my so called brothers cant even help out a brother and hook him ujp with this lovely lady. Sure she MAY have had a drug problem back then, but im feel SURE she has cleaned up her life. I wish one of my brothers could see fit to hook a brother up. I think its love af 1st sight.
Have we found the identity of the traitor rat? We had a long discussion about this guy in the parking lot after lineup last night. We can't wait to find out who is ratting us out so we can all make him pay. My SGT and even LT said whatever happens, happens and they will back us 100%! I recommend every district have the same policy because we can't stand for deputies that will blow the whistle on us. Rat face, you just put the biggest target on your back then anyone at PBSO ever has!
You are a terrible human being who doesn't deserve to live. Hopefully you will die after crashing your car without wearing your seat belt.
F**K YOU hippie. You don't like how we handle our business? Stay out of our county. Come to HQ parking lot and knock on the D1 door and then say that shit to our faces. See if you don't end up next door at CJ getting photographed with missing teeth.
I'm sure if the author wrote "currently employed" then they varified this somehow. Why don't you write him and ask. On the contact page they list newsroom@dcpost.org as the email address.
Are you kidding? This story is all over the country.
Google Search Results for the Story
Are you kidding? This story is all over the country. If I ever catch this ratfuk I'm going to tell the dopers we won't look if they want to take care of the problem. Then they can get a free pass to do what they want. We got to get rid of rat deputies in our ranks.
Google Search Results for the Story
first of all, our job isn't even in the top 15 for the most dangerous jobs. Second of all, I don't give a shit if you trust me or not. My only job is to lock your ass up, and I will do it no matter how I have to do it. If you don't like it, tough shit because I don't care what some piece of shit civilian have to say. You're either 1 of us, or 1 of them. Since you're not 1 of us, then you're the enemy,so you better stay in line and pay for my salary and benefits and PBA dues or I'll be locking your ass up.
Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha someone's jimmies got rustled. Poor baby, you sound like you have daddy issues. Maybe you just haven't been laid in years. You can suck my moobs if you want, I don't bite too hard
Sadly, many of these are real deputies. How do I know? While they don't post their names and ID numbers, they post things only a deputy with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office could know. Things like pages from the gate code lists and things like that.
Actually, moat of the posts on here are made by actual deputies. You're not going to have too many completely random internet trolls post on here. But, like the above poster said, there are a bunch who exaggerate or just make things up for whatever reason. That being said, even if 2% of what is posted here is true about PBSO, that's still absolutely terrifying---it would make New Orleans PD look like a Benedictine Order of Monks.
You only need toook at the official documents in the document section to see the above poster, saying not to take this stuff seriously, is full of shit. This 0lace is as corrupt and as f*cked up as they come. And we do have this many entitled, disgraceful FOG deputies working here.
Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:43 am
You guys sound like fucking idiots. This is a great avenue to speak directly to the executive staff about things going on at the lower levels. When you post bullshit like planting drugs, and engaging in corruption, nobody believes you are a cop. This simply doesn't happen, at least not in palm beach. This isn't a major city, we don't have a ton of real crime. At the end of the day, nobody really gives a shit about making arrests or not. if you come across something you act, if not, not big deal.
All this suggestion of planting drugs and falsifying shit doesn't happen on the road level.
All this suggestion of planting drugs and falsifying shit doesn't happen on the road level.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:50 am
Guest wrote:You made us famous you rat fucking bastard. If we ever catch who you are we are going to take a long time getting to calls where you need 94. You might even get injured by a suspect you never see. Who knows what will happen to you ratfuck!
Thanks for making us all look like a bunch of thugs who would injure or ignore a fellow officer just out of spite.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:57 am
Guest wrote:You guys sound like fucking idiots. This is a great avenue to speak directly to the executive staff about things going on at the lower levels. When you post bullshit like planting drugs, and engaging in corruption, nobody believes you are a cop. This simply doesn't happen, at least not in palm beach. This isn't a major city, we don't have a ton of real crime. At the end of the day, nobody really gives a shit about making arrests or not. if you come across something you act, if not, not big deal.
All this suggestion of planting drugs and falsifying shit doesn't happen on the road level.
Nice try Media Relations office
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:58 am
The article makes a mistake. They call it the Palm Beach County Police Department, but they mean the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. Do our road deputies plant evidence and lie on reports? Bet your ass they do. It's a well established, well-documented fact and our State Attorney refuses to do anything about it.
Here are 3 articles on it that hit the post recently:
And here is a federal agent even claiming he had evidence planted on him:
And the report from his own police chief where the Sheriff ordered detectives to lie on police reports to implicate black suspects:
Yeah, but that kind of thing doesn't happen here. Does it?
Here are 3 articles on it that hit the post recently:
And here is a federal agent even claiming he had evidence planted on him:
And the report from his own police chief where the Sheriff ordered detectives to lie on police reports to implicate black suspects:
Yeah, but that kind of thing doesn't happen here. Does it?
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 10:03 am
guest wrote:
Guest wrote:You guys sound like fucking idiots. This is a great avenue to speak directly to the executive staff about things going on at the lower levels. When you post bullshit like planting drugs, and engaging in corruption, nobody believes you are a cop. This simply doesn't happen, at least not in palm beach. This isn't a major city, we don't have a ton of real crime. At the end of the day, nobody really gives a shit about making arrests or not. if you come across something you act, if not, not big deal.
All this suggestion of planting drugs and falsifying shit doesn't happen on the road level.
Nice try Media Relations office
Yes! I was thinking the exact same thing! Speak to the executive staff... hahaha! Like Captain Easton tried to convince Bradshaw that they needed to piss test and fire Lt. Burrows after he was caught stealing the pain meds from the nightstand of a man dying of cancer. That worked out great for Easton, didn't it? Worked out even better for Lt. Johnson who was arrested for leaking it to the media after Bradshaw ordered it to be swept under the rug.
Yeah, let's go to this corrupt executive staff who lie, cover everything up and terminate and incarcerate deputies that don't meet their criminal-spree standards.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 10:57 am
guest wrote:Thanks for making us all look like a bunch of thugs who would injure or ignore a fellow officer just out of spite.
It wont be done out of spite. It will be done cause hes a rat fuck traiter. If the feds ever did investigate this we would be in serious trouble. like 1/3-1/2 the department would be fired or 10-15ed and then what! Is that what you want! You want that to hapen! I prey to god some one finds his identy and leaks it to the rest of us so we can give this goody 2 shoes some real green justice!
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:05 am
Guest wrote:This is a great avenue to speak directly to the executive staff about things going on at the lower levels. When you post bullshit like planting drugs, and engaging in corruption, nobody believes you are a cop. This simply doesn't happen, at least not in palm beach.
You mean we should talk to the executive level of Internal Affairs about things happening on the road? Who should we report it to? The guy who stands as the face of the department's morals and ethics? Like this guy on the left? Major Van Reeth, the guy who allowed himself and his underaged son be photographed with a naked prostitute who was snorting Cocaine at this golf outing and providing blowjobs to these guys in the clubhouse? Maybe the PBA treasurer in the photograph who is standing on the very right? that sounds like a brilliant idea. What could ever go wrong with that? I could just imaging a deputy reporting another deputy for getting a blowjob on the job. Want to know who is going to be fired? the D/S who reported it. Why? Because he's obviously a "rat" who will bring unwanted attention to the agency. They will make up some crime to charge him with and then the State Attorney will cut a plea deal that the charges will be dropped after 3 years and he won't lose his retirement as long as he signs an agreement not to "speak ill of the Sheriff, The Sheriff's Office or any members of the Sheriff's Office". Gee, has that ever really been done? Yup. Look at Dean Johnson's plea deal. They did that to him because he knows where ALL the bodies are buried.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:08 am
Either a non-deputy PBSO hater played a "reporter" (because anybody with a brain can see that dcpost.com is not a legitimate journalistic operation) really well and got PBSO some negative PR, or this idiot is begging to be found out and fired for slandering his employer.
All you idiots who want desperately for all of this to be true just don't get it. Why on earth would a deputy bother to break the law on a regular basis when there is no personal reward for him? It is so much easier just to do your job and go home at the end of every shift. Why on earth would anybody have an incentive to engage in this kind of stuff that could put a guy in prison if discovered?
Either a non-deputy PBSO hater played a "reporter" (because anybody with a brain can see that dcpost.com is not a legitimate journalistic operation) really well and got PBSO some negative PR, or this idiot is begging to be found out and fired for slandering his employer.
All you idiots who want desperately for all of this to be true just don't get it. Why on earth would a deputy bother to break the law on a regular basis when there is no personal reward for him? It is so much easier just to do your job and go home at the end of every shift. Why on earth would anybody have an incentive to engage in this kind of stuff that could put a guy in prison if discovered?
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:35 am
Guest wrote:All you idiots who want desperately for all of this to be true just don't get it. Why on earth would a deputy bother to break the law on a regular basis when there is no personal reward for him? It is so much easier just to do your job and go home at the end of every shift. Why on earth would anybody have an incentive to engage in this kind of stuff that could put a guy in prison if discovered?
Hmmmm, that is the question. It happens all the time though. And yes, some guys go to jail for it. Why? Don't know. The feeling of power, to look good in front of his co workers, stats, to get atta boys from the bosses. All reasons they do it. And let's face it, it's an accepted culture at our agency, and in police work in general.
Guest wrote:Either a non-deputy PBSO hater played a "reporter" (because anybody with a brain can see that dcpost.com is not a legitimate journalistic operation) really well and got PBSO some negative PR, or this idiot is begging to be found out and fired for slandering his employer.
Or, maybe, it's just some guy coming clean and not wanting it on his conscience anymore. Not a legitimate news operation? What, is this the brass trying to play it off as a conspiracy? They have 235 pages of articles that go back to September of 2013. That's a lot of articles to write just to make someone look bad. What will you say next? Maybe a PBSO hater got a job with them and is using his position as a reporter just to get even? Sorry, but I don't think anyone is going to buy it.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:45 am
Guest wrote:
Guest wrote:This is a great avenue to speak directly to the executive staff about things going on at the lower levels. When you post bullshit like planting drugs, and engaging in corruption, nobody believes you are a cop. This simply doesn't happen, at least not in palm beach.
You mean we should talk to the executive level of Internal Affairs about things happening on the road? Who should we report it to? The guy who stands as the face of the department's morals and ethics? Like this guy on the left? Major Van Reeth, the guy who allowed himself and his underaged son be photographed with a naked prostitute who was snorting Cocaine at this golf outing and providing blowjobs to these guys in the clubhouse? Maybe the PBA treasurer in the photograph who is standing on the very right? that sounds like a brilliant idea. What could ever go wrong with that? I could just imaging a deputy reporting another deputy for getting a blowjob on the job. Want to know who is going to be fired? the D/S who reported it. Why? Because he's obviously a "rat" who will bring unwanted attention to the agency. They will make up some crime to charge him with and then the State Attorney will cut a plea deal that the charges will be dropped after 3 years and he won't lose his retirement as long as he signs an agreement not to "speak ill of the Sheriff, The Sheriff's Office or any members of the Sheriff's Office". Gee, has that ever really been done? Yup. Look at Dean Johnson's plea deal. They did that to him because he knows where ALL the bodies are buried.
This post is a classic!
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 12:21 pm
Guest wrote:Or, maybe, it's just some guy coming clean and not wanting it on his conscience anymore. Not a legitimate news operation? What, is this the brass trying to play it off as a conspiracy? They have 235 pages of articles that go back to September of 2013. That's a lot of articles to write just to make someone look bad. What will you say next? Maybe a PBSO hater got a job with them and is using his position as a reporter just to get even? Sorry, but I don't think anyone is going to buy it.![]()
Geez... really? If a deputy is seriously going to "come clean" and either inform on the illegal actions of others or admit to his own misconduct, there are ways to do it. It starts with going to whichever higher law enforcement authority he thinks he can trust (last I checked, Bradshaw doesn't have much power over the FBI). It might also include going to any of a large selection of legitimate respected journalistic operations (all of whom would love to get their hands on that kind of scoop), not some web site full of content devoid of any journalistic integrity or legitimacy.
By the way, the number of articles on a web site is not exactly evidence of that web site's legitimacy. Anybody who thinks so is rather ignorant of how the Internet works...
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Raindancer » Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:14 pm
The D.C. blog is not a reputable news source. It's a blogging site, that takes stuff from this blogging site. If there was any truth to this bullshit story, the FBI would have already run down the IP address and people would be having to put up or shut up. Lawyers and forensic types must get quite a laugh from this site.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:34 pm
Raindancer wrote:The D.C. blog is not a reputable news source. It's a blogging site, that takes stuff from this blogging site. If there was any truth to this bullshit story, the FBI would have already run down the IP address and people would be having to put up or shut up. Lawyers and forensic types must get quite a laugh from this site.
Okay Bradshaw. Nice try. As far as the feds:
Ha! speaking of the US Attorney, the palm beach police watchdog website uploaded the sheriff’s expense receipts. His payment for the US Attorney’s lunch is among the receipts. Notes said they were meeting because of a case.
And of course, it bears saying, that although the feds police local police departments, they spend far more time working with them as partners on criminal cases.
So the US Attorney in that area spends a good amount of time with the sheriff and knows him personally.
What would force that US Attorney’s hand is anyone’s guess, but it is certainly always possible if a criminal official pushes hard enough, that moment would usually come. Could be they are looking the other way unless and until that moment comes.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:05 pm
Guest wrote:
guest wrote:Thanks for making us all look like a bunch of thugs who would injure or ignore a fellow officer just out of spite.
It wont be done out of spite. It will be done cause hes a rat fuck traiter. If the feds ever did investigate this we would be in serious trouble. like 1/3-1/2 the department would be fired or 10-15ed and then what! Is that what you want! You want that to hapen! I prey to god some one finds his identy and leaks it to the rest of us so we can give this goody 2 shoes some real green justice!
Rat f**k traitor is right! Someone needs 2 flush this asshole out and find out who he is. Sheriff Bradshaw, I hope U R going 2 do something about this! call it a criminal investigation and let's find this fink before he can do any more damage!
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:45 pm
After reading this story about how you punk cops lie and plant evidence, I had to post this:
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:49 pm
Sheriff Bradshaw, look at the bright side of this article... at least it is detracting from the fact you covered up a murder by a deputy who was caught by the victim having sex in his yard. That's something, isn't it?
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:57 pm
Defense Attorney: Why did you shoot my client?
Deputy: He went for my gun!!!!
Defense Attorney: But he was handcuffed in the back of the car....Handcuffed, IN THE BACK OF THE CAR.
Deputy: He went for my gun!!!!
Defense Attorney: But he was handcuffed in the back of the car....Handcuffed, IN THE BACK OF THE CAR.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Thu Feb 19, 2015 10:08 pm
I am very sorry to say my so called brothers cant even help out a brother and hook him ujp with this lovely lady. Sure she MAY have had a drug problem back then, but im feel SURE she has cleaned up her life. I wish one of my brothers could see fit to hook a brother up. I think its love af 1st sight.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Fri Feb 20, 2015 8:14 am
Guest wrote:You made us famous you rat fucking bastard. If we ever catch who you are we are going to take a long time getting to calls where you need 94. You might even get injured by a suspect you never see. Who knows what will happen to you ratfuck!
Have we found the identity of the traitor rat? We had a long discussion about this guy in the parking lot after lineup last night. We can't wait to find out who is ratting us out so we can all make him pay. My SGT and even LT said whatever happens, happens and they will back us 100%! I recommend every district have the same policy because we can't stand for deputies that will blow the whistle on us. Rat face, you just put the biggest target on your back then anyone at PBSO ever has!
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:02 am
Bradshaw, Gauger, how does it feel to be found out for the pieces of rat shit that you are? I hope you are enjoying having it broke off in your ass because there's a lot more to come!
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:17 pm
I read the article and I can point to one thing that is not accurate. If this is the same incident I am thinking about, about the deputy getting a blowjob from the guy's wife, this is not how it went down. He arrested the guy, and the guy made the offer that he would have his wife give the deputy a blowjob in exchange for letting him go. The way it's written your article, it makes it sound like blackmail and it wasn't like that at all! besides this is ancient history.it happened back in 2013! the only one who should be ashamed is the deputy giving the interview because he just ratted on all the friends he would have his back on the road.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby cjp420 » Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:22 pm
Guest wrote:I was lucky to get a really good FTO when I started almost 15 years ago. He taught me to always keep learning new skills and techniques. It's not always easy to do being in a zone with the same old people so I decided perhaps I would share and maybe you might also.
I have a method for getting people off the street that should not be there. Mouthy drivers, street lawyers, assholes and just anyone else trying to make my job difficult.
Under my floor mat, I keep a small plastic dime baggie with Cocaine in residue. Since it's just residue, if it is ever found during a search of my car like during an inspection, it's easy enough to explain. It must have stuck to my foot while walking through San Castle. Anyways, no one's going to question an empty baggie. The residue is the key because yo7 can fully charge some asshole with possession of cocaine, heroin, or whatever just with the residue. How to get it done? "I asked Mr. DOE for his identification. And he pulled out his wallet, I observed a small plastic baggie fall out of his pocket..." Tou get the idea. easy, right?
Best part is, those baggies can be found lots of places so you can always be ready. Don't forget to wipe the baggie on the persons skin after you arrest them because you want their DNA on the bag if they say you planted it or fight it in court.
This is one of my favorite tools. I don't use it often but when I have to do something to remove someone, this is a good way to do it with minimal effort.
You are a terrible human being who doesn't deserve to live. Hopefully you will die after crashing your car without wearing your seat belt.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:39 pm
Question for the REAL deputies...
What are the odds this is either somebody pretending to be a deputy just repeating stories heard here or elsewhere, or a former deputy who was fired pretending he's still currently employed by PBSO? My bet's on the latter... would like the author of the story to tell the details of how they verified the person's status.
What are the odds this is either somebody pretending to be a deputy just repeating stories heard here or elsewhere, or a former deputy who was fired pretending he's still currently employed by PBSO? My bet's on the latter... would like the author of the story to tell the details of how they verified the person's status.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:41 pm
cjp420 wrote:You are a terrible human being who doesn't deserve to live. Hopefully you will die after crashing your car without wearing your seat belt.
F**K YOU hippie. You don't like how we handle our business? Stay out of our county. Come to HQ parking lot and knock on the D1 door and then say that shit to our faces. See if you don't end up next door at CJ getting photographed with missing teeth.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:43 pm
Guest wrote:Question for the REAL deputies...
What are the odds this is either somebody pretending to be a deputy just repeating stories heard here or elsewhere, or a former deputy who was fired pretending he's still currently employed by PBSO? My bet's on the latter... would like the author of the story to tell the details of how they verified the person's status.
I'm sure if the author wrote "currently employed" then they varified this somehow. Why don't you write him and ask. On the contact page they list newsroom@dcpost.org as the email address.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby anon » Fri Feb 20, 2015 5:43 pm
I love it when cops like OP get shot, I only wish it happened more often.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Fri Feb 20, 2015 9:54 pm
That rat fucking bastard even made Cop Block & Cop Watch. You better be careful, you don't want another Belle Glade Deputy driving accident to occur all over again...
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:05 pm
Guest wrote:That rat fucking bastard even made Cop Block & Cop Watch. You better be careful, you don't want another Belle Glade Deputy driving accident to occur all over again...
Are you kidding? This story is all over the country.
Google Search Results for the Story
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:31 pm
Guest wrote:That rat fucking bastard even made Cop Block & Cop Watch. You better be careful, you don't want another Belle Glade Deputy driving accident to occur all over again...
Are you kidding? This story is all over the country. If I ever catch this ratfuk I'm going to tell the dopers we won't look if they want to take care of the problem. Then they can get a free pass to do what they want. We got to get rid of rat deputies in our ranks.
Google Search Results for the Story
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Sat Feb 21, 2015 5:08 am
Let's face the facts... I'm not admitting I've ever planted evidence or lied on a report, but if a deputy does it, so what? These criminals use their lawyers to get them off on minor technicalities so if a report is changed just a little to make the case stronger, the public should be thanking us for removing a criminal from their streets. Constructive possession for instance. If you find an Altoona tin filled with Crack and it's in the back seat, the State will toss it. What harm is. There saying it was in the guy's pocket? That way you change the constructive possession to actual possession and the state attorney will prosecute. The guy still had the Crack. Would anyone honestly believe it wasn't his? Okay, maybe his friend left ut. I doubt it but let's say it's true. The guy is hanging out with crackhead so he's probably one himself. I say good riddance.
I read the article about blatantly planting evidence. I don't personally do it but a few deputies I know do. They do it only when they need to. It's not like they do it to everyone. If you see a known drug dealer driving down the street and they don't have anything in their car st the time, it's nice to be able to have a means to get them off the street. I bet 99% of all honest hard working Americans would agree.
I think our Sheriff and Chief Deputy Gauger have done a wonderful job in running the agency and supporting the men. They understand what it takes to be a cop and to do the job.
I read the article about blatantly planting evidence. I don't personally do it but a few deputies I know do. They do it only when they need to. It's not like they do it to everyone. If you see a known drug dealer driving down the street and they don't have anything in their car st the time, it's nice to be able to have a means to get them off the street. I bet 99% of all honest hard working Americans would agree.
I think our Sheriff and Chief Deputy Gauger have done a wonderful job in running the agency and supporting the men. They understand what it takes to be a cop and to do the job.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:46 am
LOL cops are scumbags, no wonder nobody trusts them and they routinely get killed. They deserve it.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Sat Feb 21, 2015 11:05 am
Guest wrote:LOL cops are scumbags, no wonder nobody trusts them and they routinely get killed. They deserve it.
first of all, our job isn't even in the top 15 for the most dangerous jobs. Second of all, I don't give a shit if you trust me or not. My only job is to lock your ass up, and I will do it no matter how I have to do it. If you don't like it, tough shit because I don't care what some piece of shit civilian have to say. You're either 1 of us, or 1 of them. Since you're not 1 of us, then you're the enemy,so you better stay in line and pay for my salary and benefits and PBA dues or I'll be locking your ass up.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby YourMom » Sat Feb 21, 2015 12:38 pm
Fuck all of you. Pigs.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Sat Feb 21, 2015 1:02 pm
Guest wrote:
Guest wrote:LOL cops are scumbags, no wonder nobody trusts them and they routinely get killed. They deserve it.
first of all, our job isn't even in the top 15 for the most dangerous jobs. Second of all, I don't give a shit if you trust me or not. My only job is to lock your ass up, and I will do it no matter how I have to do it. If you don't like it, tough shit because I don't care what some piece of shit civilian have to say. You're either 1 of us, or 1 of them. Since you're not 1 of us, then you're the enemy,so you better stay in line and pay for my salary and benefits and PBA dues or I'll be locking your ass up.
Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha someone's jimmies got rustled. Poor baby, you sound like you have daddy issues. Maybe you just haven't been laid in years. You can suck my moobs if you want, I don't bite too hard
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:34 pm
I'm confused. I'm not a cop and I don't live in PBC. But are these comments all really from actual cops? Falsifying evidence is a brazen abuse of power and so is threatening anyone who talks about it. How is this even a plan that makes sense? Is it unimportant for you to have the trust of the community? What do you like about being in law enforcement in the first place? Because from here this all sounds insanely fucked up.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:18 pm
Guest wrote:I'm confused. I'm not a cop and I don't live in PBC. But are these comments all really from actual cops? Falsifying evidence is a brazen abuse of power and so is threatening anyone who talks about it. How is this even a plan that makes sense? Is it unimportant for you to have the trust of the community? What do you like about being in law enforcement in the first place? Because from here this all sounds insanely fucked up.
Sadly, many of these are real deputies. How do I know? While they don't post their names and ID numbers, they post things only a deputy with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office could know. Things like pages from the gate code lists and things like that.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:23 pm
No, very few are real deputies, and some who are just post stupid stuff for fun.
It's very rare for a deputy to attempt to prove he's legitimate here. I'd take about 2% of this stuff seriously.
Unfortunately there are way too many people browsing the internet who don't know any better and actually believe it's real deputies saying this stuff...
It's very rare for a deputy to attempt to prove he's legitimate here. I'd take about 2% of this stuff seriously.
Unfortunately there are way too many people browsing the internet who don't know any better and actually believe it's real deputies saying this stuff...
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:55 pm
Guest wrote:No, very few are real deputies, and some who are just post stupid stuff for fun.
It's very rare for a deputy to attempt to prove he's legitimate here. I'd take about 2% of this stuff seriously.
Unfortunately there are way too many people browsing the internet who don't know any better and actually believe it's real deputies saying this stuff...
Actually, moat of the posts on here are made by actual deputies. You're not going to have too many completely random internet trolls post on here. But, like the above poster said, there are a bunch who exaggerate or just make things up for whatever reason. That being said, even if 2% of what is posted here is true about PBSO, that's still absolutely terrifying---it would make New Orleans PD look like a Benedictine Order of Monks.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:32 pm
Guest wrote:No, very few are real deputies, and some who are just post stupid stuff for fun.
It's very rare for a deputy to attempt to prove he's legitimate here. I'd take about 2% of this stuff seriously.
Unfortunately there are way too many people browsing the internet who don't know any better and actually believe it's real deputies saying this stuff...
You only need toook at the official documents in the document section to see the above poster, saying not to take this stuff seriously, is full of shit. This 0lace is as corrupt and as f*cked up as they come. And we do have this many entitled, disgraceful FOG deputies working here.
Re: Tricks of the trade - let's exchange!
Postby Guest » Sun Feb 22, 2015 4:13 pm
YOU RAT! You made this issue appear in some of the biggest news outlets like this:
Newser.Com Article
We are going to find out who you are and we are going to take action. you can't get away with ratting out your deputies that you rely on for backup without facing consequences. Remember the 2 deputies that got killed? You think that was an accident? A few days before they got killed they made complaints to internal affairs on the deputy that killed them! Wait til we find you!
Newser.Com Article
We are going to find out who you are and we are going to take action. you can't get away with ratting out your deputies that you rely on for backup without facing consequences. Remember the 2 deputies that got killed? You think that was an accident? A few days before they got killed they made complaints to internal affairs on the deputy that killed them! Wait til we find you!
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