Do it for the Children

Paul Krugman, weighing in on the midterm election of 2014, had, in part, this to say: "But the biggest secret of the Republican triumph surely lies in the discovery that obstructionism bordering on sabotage is a winning political strategy. From Day 1 of the Obama administration, Mr. McConnell and his colleagues have done everything they could to undermine effective policy, in particular blocking every effort to do the obvious thing — boost infrastructure spending — in a time of low interest rates and high unemployment.

This was, it turned out, bad for America but good for Republicans. Most voters don’t know much about policy details, nor do they understand the legislative process. So all they saw was that the man in the White House wasn’t delivering prosperity — and they punished his party."

You should go read the entire article for yourself: Triumph of the Wrong - And you should have a talk with your kids, who probably sat out this election, who probably aren't up on the issues anyway, and who will reap the whirlwind of woe as the Republicans throttle the recovery even further, boost the cost of education, fan the flames of war, further cement their control over women's bodies, and funnel even more money into the pockets of the mega-wealthy. Forget about your Crazy Uncle Bob, the one who emails you all those ALL CAPS missives about the horrors of Obama; he's too far gone. But the kids? Maybe you can save them before it's too late.

'via Blog this'


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