IRS Scandal! Republican MegaWealthy Donors Frightened! Oh Noes!

Paul Waldman, writing in his column in The American Prospect, talks about the current state of Republican fundraising. He touches on the IRS "scandal," said to have had a "demonizing" effect on Republican donors. About the IRS "scandal," he has this to say:

The worst thing that happened was that some Tea Party groups that had applied for 501(c)(4) status—claiming, utterly falsely, that they were charitable, non-political organizations, I might add—had to wait longer than they should have to get approval on their applications. (And, I have to repeat, when you’re waiting for your approval, you’re permitted under the law to act as though you’ve gotten your approval. You can raise and spend money, which they did.)
That's right. A few groups, who were skirting the law, had to suffer the indignity of a meaningless delay. And for this, we've had... what is it, fourteen million hearings?

Republicans. They are very very very good at crying foul or, in soccer terms, flopping.

  The Continuing Agonies of the Super-Rich:

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