Fire Them All

Here's an item from today's news that bears repeating:

The Republican Congress spent 100 hours investigating the possible use, by the Clinton administration, of the White House Christmas card list as a source of names of possible donors.

The White House Christmas card list.

100 hours.

Now, bear in mind that in the Bush White House, the White House Christmas card list and the donor list are one and the same.

The Republican Congress spent 12 hours investigating the allegations of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib during the Bush administration.

Let's recap, shall we? Christmas card list, Clinton administration, 100 hours of Congressional investigation. Abu Ghraib, torture, murder (or, at the least, "accidental" death), 12 hours of Congressional investigation.

Number of hours spent investigating the Iraq war? We're still waiting.

Number of hours spent invesigating the incredible scandal surrounding contractors in Iraq? We're still waiting.

Folks, those people in Congress work for you! You're supposed to keep an eye on them. You're supposed to see to it that they do their jobs, and if they don't, you're supposed to fire them.

Let me repeat this: Those people in Congress, who work for you and who probably have benefits that you can only dream of -- the best health insurance, an incredible pension plan, free postage, transportation to and from work, a cushy office, an underground train system to whisk them to and fro in the Capitol building -- these people are your subordinates. You are their boss. They're supposed to do your bidding.

Hey, just for fun, call up your local representative and request a meeting. For those of you who are not lobbyists or CEOs, let me know if you happen to get a meeting.

Did I mention that these people are your employees? That you can fire them?

Once again, let's look at the numbers:

100 hours investigating whether Clinton officials looked at a list of names to see if maybe some of those people wanted to become donors.

12 hours investigating atrocities committed in your name and mine, sanctioned by the highest officials in the Bush administration, atrocities that have put our men and women serving in the armed forces at further risk.

Seriously. You should take a little time to think about the job your fine Republican Congress is doing.


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