Heckuva Job, Georgie

Today, the S&P 500 Index closed at a 5-1/2 year high.

Let me rephrase that: Today, the S&P 500 Index finally recovered to where it stood in March of 2001.

That's March of 2001. George W. Bush had been President since January of that year, and has been President ever since. And the stock market, which was tanking already, has taken 5 and one half years to recover. Five and one half years.

Remember all that talk about tax cuts and how those tax cuts were going to spur the economy?

Five and one half years later, we're back where we started. We're at square one. If you had an investment of $100 back in 2001, it's finally worth $100 again.

If you had stuck that $100 under your mattress, you'd be in exactly the same position.

George W. Bush: His Economic Policies are No Worse than Your Mattress. Heckuva slogan, isn't it?

Five and one half years, and we're back where we started. Well, back where we started minus the surplus from the Clinton years, and minus the... what, $1.2 trillion?

At least the wealthy are paying less in taxes. That sure helps take the sting out of all those flat 401k plans.

Heckuva job, Georgie.


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