More to Come

So first we learned that the NSA was listening in on phone calls... to or from overseas, we were assured. "If al Qaeda is calling you, we want to know about it" said King George. And it seemed like there might be more, especially when Attorney General TortureGuy couched his non-answers about the NSA wiretap program to make it clear that he wasn't not answering questions about some other program, that it was the NSA wiretapping of calls to or from overseas that he was not answering questions about.

And now we learn that the NSA is compiling a database of every single phone call (except for those handled by that pesky Telco, Qwest) made in the United States. Every single one.

News flash: That lone ant crawling across your kitchen floor isn't the only one. The cigarette/joint/beer/glass of booze you just caught your kid with isn't the first. That guy trying to get you into bed doesn't really have a week to live, hasn't had a vasectomy, and isn't shipping out for Iraq tomorrow. (We can only hope that last one isn't true...) The check is not in the mail. Those pants really do make your ass look big.

There's more to come. Not everyone in the Bush administration is evil, and more of them will find the courage to speak out in the coming days and weeks and months. More of them will tell us how bad it really is, what's really going on, that no matter how bad we think things have gotten, they're really far, far worse than we thought.

And then, God help us, King George will rain death and destruction on Iran and kill a few thousand people who had the misfortune to have been born in the wrong place, all to distract us.

At least in the darkest days at the end of the Nixon adminstration his closest advisors had the good sense to take the keys away from him. We can only hope the same thing happens to King George.


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