Circle of Death

Junior says we should honor the sacrifice of our sons and daughters in Iraq by... sacrificing more of our sons and daughters.

Yes, he really said this. Perhaps what he really meant was that to forestall the realization that he has sent 2,000 of our sons and daughters to die in vain, we need for more of our sons and daughters to die in vain so that the realization that they died in vain will finally occur when someone else is President.

Now, tell me -- isn't it just like a drunken ass-wipe of a rich frat boy to do a little swagger-step while he sends his paid thugs to "kick your ass" as retribution for... well, really, to impress his buddies?

But those "paid thugs" are nothing of the sort. They're our kids, kids who signed up to serve their country, kids who believed in a noble cause, or maybe kids who were looking to get an education, see the world, or learn a skill and get ahead in life.

And junior is sending them to their deaths. Junior is sending them to kill men, women and children -- because that's what happens when you try to fight this kind of war -- for no better reason than to show up his old man.


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