Enemy Mine?

In a stunning admission, administration officials declared the American public to be the enemy. Regarding the disclosure of the theft of more than 754,000 pounds of high explosives (some of the most powerful explosives known), a "senior administration official" said that the news was not made public sooner because standard intelligence practive is "not to let the enemy know such information."

This begs the question: Who's the enemy? Surely, the people who stole the explosives -- the iraqi insurgents -- knew about the theft, as did the provisional Iraqi government, the American administration, the UN officials who repeatedly warned the Bush administration to secure the storage site, and probably the average Iraqi on the street.

In fact, the only large group of people to be kept in the dark about the missing explosives was the American public.

Comments, Mr. Bush?
CNN.com - IAEA: Tons of Iraq explosives missing - Oct 25, 2004: "IAEA: Tons of Iraq explosives missing"


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