For some reason, the folks on the right have been in a frenzy to find anything in Trayvon Martin's past that would prove that he was some lowlife cretin who deserved to die. And now, in the wake of Zimmerman's acquittal for Martin's death, we see a rush to further smear Martin. But there are more than a few details about Zimmerman that have been overlooked, and Amanda Marcotte does a good job of covering that here: George Zimmerman Shouldn’t Have Had A Gun | The Raw Story:
There's a congressman in southern California, Darrell Issa, who clawed his way into the ranks of the wealthy via any number of legally questionable maneuvers. Now, this "wealthy bully and proven liar" chairs the House Oversight Committee, even though -- by all rights -- he should be in jail. I urge you to read this: Why Isn’t Darrell Issa In Jail? « Calbuzz:
Jim is a retired bass player currently residing in California with his wife. He (used to work) a "real" job these (those) days, which keeps (kept) him from such menial tasks as blogging and/or writing the Great American Novel. Sadly, this means (meant) that the denizens of Calamity Falls may stay forever frozen in time, barely developed (if even mentioned) and existing as mere magnetic anomalies on a now-unused hard drive. Or not. The blog has been updated to reflect Jim's new employment (unemployment) status.